Beth Johnson

Friday, January 19, 2018

Marvelous 10 Minute Meditation

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I was doing my usual, flitting about the home trying to get things done, and not really getting anywhere, distracted, thinking I needed to sit down and do a meditation, and up pops Beth's newest. When I focused on my body, my abdomen was like a little scurrying mouse, no direction, starting out this way, then that way, going inside felt like being in a bumper car and everyone trying to hit me (I was always the one that tried to stay away...). As I went deeper, the image turned into a small, hard, dried date pit, and then expansion came and then release. I am starting a new job on Tuesday, and although I have worked for this company before, it has been six years and the dynamics will be different and my Ego is starting to do Its little worrisome dance. What if? What if? During the "sssing, the wisdom word that came to me was "accomplished". And I felt it, I am accomplished. Ego accepted. As I continued "sssing", I felt and saw in my mind, electrical fibers lighting up along my arms and legs. My mind is no longer scurrying. Things will get done. I will go along this moment purposely. And it is good.