Beth Johnson

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Value Both Sides

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Day 4 of meditation. The part of my body that I focused on beginning in the meditation was not the one I thought I was going to. Last night my body was again not happy, but it wasn't my knees this time, but my stomach and I spent most of the night up, trying to figure out what I ate that was causing the disruption. Nothing that I hadn't eaten before. Anyway, I started the meditation and the spot that came to me was my throat. It felt very closed, as if a kitchen drain was full of spaghetti and the garbage disposal needed to be turned on. (Hmm, I did have angel hair pasta day before last.....) All the humming, sssing, and Huhing seemed to do the trick. While sssing, I saw an image of whirling white energy, like one of those dyson vacuum cleaners where you can see the dust whirling around, and over the noise I heard my Ego shouting at the top of her lungs, "It's not fair!", It's just not fair!", "Why is no one listening to me???" And just for a moment, I felt that familiar catch in my throat, like just when you are about to cry, but then the powerful "Eeees" came along and whooshed everything into my heart. As Beth continued to talk, I saw an image of myself at work, and all these people with physical bodies and their energetic bodies beside them or behind them, and thought to myself, "Gosh, if I could really see this, how cramped my surroundings would be." I used to be envious of people who could "see" more than the eye can see, but I am not anymore. I am quite content with being in the now, integrating myself within and valuing both sides, or how many sides there are.