Beth Johnson

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

The Truth you Seek

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The visuals on this meditation were extraordinary. I focused on the back of my neck because I have noticed this past week it has been super tight and cracks when I turn my head left or right. I saw a solid white rock, and it was not in a welcoming mood. It took awhile, but the it finally melted into a gel like substance and I was able to "Huh" it out. One of things I love about these meditations is, I don't have to know what it was, or why it was there, I just had to notice it, and move it. I can definitely move my neck freely now. Having the Soul hold my face and look into my eyes, well, hard to describe, except my Ego just melted into my Soul. It reminded me of a movie line from a long time ago when one of the characters said, "You don't have to be so brave." and the other character responded, "Oh but I do." It is the same with my Ego and Soul. Soul is always there, letting the Ego know that it is not alone. My Ego is so, so fragile, ready to break at any time, and yet my Soul is always there to pick up the pieces, and gently, ever so gently, whispering, "There doesn't have to be any pieces to pick up." But my Ego resists because it thinks, "Then what stories would I have to tell????" Ah, and an Aha moment, what is my story? or even bigger- What is the story I want to tell? To be continued....