Beth Johnson

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Joining Ego Mind Body and Soul

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I woke up with a headache this morning, so that is where I focused my intention. I had a very hard time staying with the meditation as my mind wanted to wander into never never land. Usually these meditations ground me because of the body work we do, but this morning it was a real battle, not that I would consider it a bad thing to go off to never never land, but I start my new job today and I just couldn't let go, not knowing how long I would be gone. I don't know if not having my coffee had anything to do with it either. I once had a teacher tell me the reason I drank so much coffee (in Reno I was up to 5 cups a day) was that it was grounding for my body. (coffee grounds). And as I write this and am taking a sip here and there, I can feel the fog lift from my head. There is a great spaciousness in my body and starting my day out with the meditation and centering my Ego has stilled any nerves concerning this day.