Beth Johnson

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Feeling your way through life

1 comment:

Unknown said...

My meditation was a little later than usual. I was not at home this morning and when I did get home, I had quite a few things to do get done. But I promised myself I would meditate everyday, so I carved out a little time before work. My whole body felt covered in green slimy stuff, and I saw myself as a blob. With each "Huh", I was able to blow the slime off, with a little bit still sticking here and there. The slime felt like all these thoughts that were raging through my mind, and poof! they were gone. The sssing was a little strange as it reminded me of a dentist drill whirring and the air blowing through my lips reminded me of the water pik they use on you while they are drilling. When the drilling was done, I saw the word "knowledge" integrated into my chest. I do not know what that means right now, I am sure it will come when needed, except maybe that I already have the knowledge to navigate through this adventure called life and need to trust myself and of course feel. I loved the ending of the meditation which said that Life is about living it, evolving with it, creating, manifesting, and I will add, enjoying. Ask and you shall receive. This actually has shown itself to me in various ways in the last couple of weeks, when I create and stand back to watch the creation, I receive easily. The answer for me is to not push, but to let go and enjoy the show.