Beth Johnson

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Pick a Symbol for the Day

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Another powerful meditation for me. The deep releases and cleansings were much needed. Ego had been brooding and holding onto way too much, like a security blanket. Old habits are sometimes hard to break. And even though Ego was in this place of resistance, deep down inside It knew the truth. Sometimes, well most times, at least for me, it is in the playing of the game that makes life so much fun and interesting. And although I thoroughly enjoy going deep, reconnecting, remembering who I really am, sometimes, coming up for air and dabbling in the World brings excitement, adventure, (or other names, worry, sadness, stress...). It is knowing that I can always go back within myself to center that makes it easier to navigate my humanness. The "E's" were especially powerful, I saw myself as the "da Vinci" man, in a bubble, surrounded by beautiful vibrations and especially loved the visualization of putting all my "problems" in the bubble and then in the light. Release is such a heavenly feeling. Allowing "things" to unfold without my participation is especially releasing. But again, that is an oxymoron, because even in my non-participation, I am participating, just not in a pushing energy, more of an allowing energy. The Earth does just fine flying through space without my intervention!! My symbol was a backward "quaver". I don't know how to read music, so I looked it up. To "quaver" is to speak with a tremble, shake or quiver. I am definitely quite the opposite. It will be interesting to see how the symbol comes up in my day today. Have a beautiful day!